Formula X Detailing

Graphic/Web Designer

Experience the true formula in auto care. This is an intensive, passionate company committed to taking care of your vehicle’s protection against the elements. My role as a freelancer was to give Formal X a face and identity to match their premium services.


Logo Refresh

To modernize the existing logo, I carried some key elements such as the slanted text and emphasis on the “X”. Aligning on the removal of the car illustration helped keep the new logo legible and adaptable for a variety of applications.

Type & Color

In the spirit of keeping the brand identity consistent, simple, and modern we assigned Proxima Nova to be the primary typeface. The brand colors utilize a bold red for accents and emphasized text, black for type and backgrounds, and a cool grey for knockout and photography settings.

Customer Experience

While the service speaks for itself, we wanted Formula X to establish itself as a premium auto protection brand. I helped achieve this by designing website pages, targeted ads, and print-ready membership plans.


MLB | BlueTriton Brands

